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You explain the concept of smarketing meetings to your leadership team, and one person asks, “How often do we need to have these meetings?” How do you respond?

HubSpot Sales Enablement Certification Exam Answer 2018

You explain the concept of smarketing meetings to your leadership team, and one person asks, “How often do we need to have these meetings?” How do you respond?

  • “We’ll have to figure out what works best for us, but every two weeks is a good place to start.”
  • “No more than once a month. More frequently than that takes too much time away from people’s individual projects.”
  • “At least once a quarter. Any less than that, and we’ll have trouble getting into a rhythm.”
  • “Once a week, at a minimum. This is important enough that we need to be meeting weekly to stay on top of our goals.”

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