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Regardless of the source of your lead (e.g. inbound buyer, triggered event, etc.), it is critical that you gain buy-in for a longer exploratory conversation by doing the following two things:

Inbound Sales Certification Exam Answer 2018

Regardless of the source of your lead (e.g. inbound buyer, triggered event, etc.), it is critical that you gain buy-in for a longer exploratory conversation by doing the following two things:

  • 1. Establish why you’re calling 2. Position a challenge you can help people like them overcome.
  • 1. Establish who you are and why you’re calling 2. Establish how you and your product/service is able to help them.
  • 1. Validate their interest in discussing your product line. 2. Provide value to them with your service.
  • None of the above

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